
The following notes are intended to help explain what each skill does, how it is used, and some potential hints for getting started with them.

An important note: all skills are affected by your character’s stats. Stats are affected based on your character’s condition, encumbrance, and injury, and consequently your skill values will change accordingly. Curious what stats affect your skills? Use ‘@gov*erning <skill name>‘ to see the detail. Can’t remember your specialty skill-based commands? Use ‘@skills‘ for the full list.


Wondering how to get the most of your combat character? Read the descriptions below for some detail on each skill type.

Looking for work? Start with `@hints‘, and then try the HeadHunters building to pick up some bounty contracts. Once you’ve picked up a few levels, you can start thinking about maybe joining the NTPD or even Trauma Team if you’ve got what it takes.

Hint: Your ‘@mode‘ is akin to your stance and can yield very different results in a multitude of combat situations and general awareness.


Technical skills are rarely as glory-filled as those menaces spilling blood in the streets, but they are essential roles when it comes to keeping the lifeblood of the city afloat. Nomads smashed your ride in the wasteland? Better see a Mechanic. Burned your deck scanning a hot new node on the matrix? Only someone with in-depth knowledge in Electronics can help you now.

Technical skills generally require that you have your own place to work out of, whether it’s a gun shop, garage, or whatever is required to get the job done.


Need to make a fast escape? You better know someone with one of these skills and a fast ride…

Note: vehicle skills are only used in combat situations – if you want to risk navigating the streets of NeoTokyo without one, you’ll likely be fine. Most of the time.


If you’re looking for work in the medical field, check out the NeoTokyo General Hospital. You can work as a temp nurse or fully-fledged Surgeon, as long as you can keep up with the flow of never-ending injuries spawned by the streets of NeoTokyo.


These are skills specifically oriented towards making connections and sales. In the end, whether or not you succeed in these endeavors is up to you.


Don’t mind being hated by everyone, disowned by your own parents? You might want to consider some of these highly useful yet disreputable skills.